What are the benefits of using EdTech?


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Edtech has many benefits for parents, students, teachers, administrators, as well as educators. Online courses and platforms like i2ifacility allow students to study from anywhere in the world. This can be a major advantage for military personnel , international students , adult learners who travel often for work or students who practice social distancing. Students and their families also enjoy the following additional benefits from edtech:
Students can increase their technological literacy by using edtech.
Edtech makes it possible to research efficiently and puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of students.
Edtech allows students to learn at home.
It is possible for parents to be more involved in the education of their children, especially during the early stages.
Students can get notifications and alerts to keep them on the right track.
Students are free to learn at their own pace, with no impact on the class.
Technology can be used to benefit administrators and educators, making edtech an attractive investment for school system. These are just a few examples of the benefits that edtech has for schools and teachers:
Automated grading is faster and easier for teachers to assign assignments.
Cloud storage allows educators to store and organize data securely, such as course materials or completed assignments.
Many lesson plans, course materials and teaching tools can be found online by educators (or in the App Store), with many available for free or very low cost.
Online translation is faster and easier, making it more accessible for English Language Learners (ELLs).
Schools can reduce their carbon footprint by printing paperless assignments and save money on printing

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